Give Food
All food donations will be gratefully received.
Donations can be dropped off at either of our shops.
We always need the following items:
Tinned Soup
Tinned tomatoes/pasta sauce
Lentils, beans and pulses
Tinned meat
Tinned vegetables
Tinned fruit
UHT milk
Fruit juice
Tinned rice pudding
Toilet roll
Other ways you can help
There are other items we often need:
Bags for life
We often need bags for life for our food parcels, so if you have any spare please do drop them in to us, they will be put to very good use!
Pet food
Pet food donations are always very welcome here at the food bank. As well as struggling to keep themselves and their families fed, some of our clients who find themselves in hardship also need to keep their much loved pets fed too.
© 2020-2024 Margate Independent Foodbank CIC